Tanak Dorjeden is a Shangpa Kagyu monastery that was founded by Pago Kunga Zangpo, the great-grandfather of Gendun Gyatso, the Second Dalai Lama, who was born there.
Tanak Dorjeden is a Shangpa Kagyu monastery that was founded by Pago Kunga Zangpo, the great-grandfather of Gendun Gyatso, the Second Dalai Lama, who was born there.
Tā la'i bla ma 02 dge ʼdun rgya mtsho. “rDo rje ʼchang kun dgaʼ rgyal mtshan dpal bzang poʼi zhal snga nas kyi rnam par thar pa la gsol ba ʼdebs pa.” In gSung ʼbum dge ʼdun rgya mtsho, pp. 233–36. Dharamsala: Library Of Tibetan Works & Archives, 2006.
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