The Treasury of Lives

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The Tantric College of Labrang Tashikhyil has two branches, the Lower, established by Jamyang Zhepa in 1719, and the Upper, established in 1943 by the Fifth Jamyang Zhepa

Labrang Tantric College

Abbots & Officers

Throne Holder

1. First Throne Holder Jamyang Zhepai Dorje 1719 -
2. Second Throne Holder blo gsal rgya mtsho -
3. Third Throne Holder blo bzang mkhas mchog 1720 -
4. Fourth Throne Holder ngag dbang dpal ldan 1722 -
5. Fifth Throne Holder dge 'dun rgyal mtshan 1728 -
6. Sixth Throne Holder Lobzang Dondrub -
8. Eighth Throne Holder ngag dbang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan -
9. Ninth Throne Holder Lobzang Neten Tsondru -
10. Tenth Throne Holder rab brtan rgya mtsho -
11. Eleventh Throne Holder bkra shis rgya mtsho -
12. Twelfth Throne Holder Konchok Dechen -
13. Thirteenth Throne Holder shes rab rdo rje -
14. Fourteenth Throne Holder Sonam Drakpa -
15. Fifteenth Throne Holder blo bzang sbyin pa -
16. Sixteenth Throne Holder blo bzang mchog grub -
17. Seventeenth Throne Holder don grub rgya mtsho -
18. Eighteenth Throne Holder nam mkha' rgyal mtshan -
19. Ninteenth Throne Holder 'jigs med mkhas mchog 1785 -
20. Twentieth Throne Holder Konchok Gyeltsen -
21. Twenty-first Throne Holder dkon mchog lhun grub -
22. Twenty-second Throne Holder dge 'dun dpal bzang -
Throne Holder Jigme Gyeltsen -


There are 3 related biographies