Jang Tana is a Yelpa Kagyu monastery that was founded by Yelpa Yeshe Tsek, a major disciple of the Kagyu master Pakmodrupa, in 1068 in Nangchen, Kham. Yelpa Yeshe Tsek converted an existing Bon monastery. A stūpa there is said to contain Pakmodrupa's relics. It is currently a branch monastery of Tsurpu, the seat of the Karma Kagyu tradition.
Andreas Gruschke writes that Gesar Lhakhang chapel at Jang Tana contained consecrated relics attributed to King Gesar of Ling and his retinue, which were lost during the Cultural Revolution. These included two swords, the Tapa Lenme sword (ral gri btab pa lan med) of Gesar himself and Yasi Karten (ya zi skar phran) of his brother Gyatsa. These were kept sealed in a box that could only be jointly opened by the Nangchen king and the Tana Abbot.
Coordinants kindly contributed by Ged Manush, Naldjor Institute.