The Treasury of Lives

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The Doring Manor House was the former Lhasa home of the aristocratic Doring family, also known as the Gazhi family. The family became powerful with Sonam Gyalpo of Khangchen in Shang, known as Khangchennas, who Lhazang Khan appointed governor (sgar dpon) of Ngari Korsum, Western Tibet in 1715 or 1716.

The name of Doring for the Gazhi family comes from this manor house, which was in front of the pillar (rdo ring) bearing the text of the treaty of 822. The manor house also contained the family's printing press, the Doring Printery. The family's Gazhi estate lay north of Gyantse.


Alexander, André. 2018. The traditional Lhasa house: typology of an endangered species. Chicago: Serindia, p. 353f.

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