The Treasury of Lives

Himalayan Art Resources

Labrang Tashikhyil is a major Geluk monastery in Amdo. It was founded in 1709 by the First Jamyang Zhepa, Jamyang Zhepai Dorje under the sponsorship of a prince of the Qoshot Mongols, who donated the land and paid for the construction. Many incarnation lines have their seats at Labrang Monastery including the Jamyang Zhepa, Amdo Zhamar and Gungtang incarnation lines. Labrang has six colleges, the largest of which is the debate college, Mejung Tosam Ling, which was established by the First Jamyang Zhepa when he built the monastery. The Tantric College has two branches, the Lower, established by Jamyang Zhepa in 1719, and the Upper, established in 1943 by the Fifth Jamyang Zhepa. The Second Jamyang Zhepa built the Kālacakra College in 1763 and the Medical College in 1784. The Fourth Jamyang Zhepa established the Hevajra College in 1879.


Gruschke, Andreas. 2001. The Cultural Monuments of Tibet's Outer Provinces. Volume 2: The Gansu and Sichuan parts of Amdo. Thailand: White Lotus Press, pp. 27-38.

Gyurme Dorje. 2004. Tibet Handbook. Bath: Footprint, pp. 668-670.

Nietupski, Paul Kocot. 2012. Labrang Monastery: a Tibetan Buddhist Community on the Inner Asian Borderlands, 1709-1958. Lanham: Lexington Books. 

Labrang Tashikhyil

Incarnation Lines

Abbots & Officers


Abbot Kelzang Tubten Wangchuk 1883 -

Throne Holder

1. First Throne Holder Jamyang Zhepai Dorje 1709 - 1710
2. Second Throne Holder Ngawang Tashi 1719 - 1738
3. Third Throne Holder Lobzang Dondrub 1739 - 1746
4. Fourth Throne Holder Ngawang Tendzin 1745 -
5. Fifth Throne Holder ngag dbang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan -
6. Sixth Throne Holder Lobzang Dondrub 1755 -
7. Seventh Throne Holder Lobzang Neten Tsondru 1753 - 1754
8. Eighth Throne Holder ngag dbang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan -
10. Tenth Throne Holder Dondrub Gyatso -
11. Eleventh Throne Holder Konchok Jigme Wangpo -
12. Twelfth Throne Holder Ngawang Jamyang Tashi -
13. Thirteenth Throne Holder Lobzang Nyendrak 1761 - 1767
14. Fourteenth Throne Holder Ngawang Trinle 1768 - 1773?
15. Fifteenth Throne Holder Ra Sonam Wanggyel -
16. Sixteenth Throne Holder Jigme Lungrik Gyatso 1777 - 1778
17. Seventeenth Throne Holder Sonam Drakpa -
18. Eighteenth Throne Holder Rabten Gyatso 1783 - 1787
19. Ninteenth Throne Holder Konchok Dechen 1787 -
20. Twentieth Throne Holder Jigme Rigpai Sengge 1789 - 1792?
21. Twenty-first Throne Holder Konchok Tenpai Dronme 1792 -
22. Twenty-second Throne Holder Lobzang Chodar 1798 -
23. Twenty-third Throne Holder Drakpa Gyeltsen 1788 -
24. Twenty-fourth Throne Holder Konchok Gyeltsen 1804? - 1810?
25. Twenty-fifth Throne Holder Konchok Sengge 1809 - 1813
26. Twenty-sixth Throne Holder Jigme Gyeltsen 1813 -
27. Twenty-seventh Throne Holder Tubten Jigme Gyatso 1817 -
28. Twenty-eighth Throne Holder Konchok Gyepai Lodro -
29. Twenty-ninth Throne Holder Konchok Chopel -
30. Thirtieth Throne Holder Jamyang Tubten Nyima 1824 -
31. Thirty-first Throne Holder dkon mchog dbang phyug -
32. Thirty-second Throne Holder blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma -
33. Thirty-third Throne Holder ngag dbang dge legs -
34. Thirty-fourth Throne Holder 'jam dbyangs skal ldan 1831 -
35. Thirty-fifth Throne Holder dkon mchog nor bu 1831 - 1834
36. Thirty-sixth Throne Holder dkon mchog bsod nams 1834 -
37. Thirty-seventh Throne Holder phun tshogs seng+ge -
38. Thirty-eighth Throne Holder dpal ldan grags pa 1839 - 1840
39. Thirty-ninth Throne Holder dkon mchog bstan dar 1849 - 1851
40. Fortieth Throne Holder dkon mchog dam chos yar 'phel 1843 -
41. Forty-first Throne Holder Konchok Gyatso 1844 -
42. Forty-second Throne Holder dkon mchog dge legs rgyal mtshan 1846 - 1849
43. Forty-third Throne Holder dge 'dun dar rgyas 1848 -
44. Forty-fourth Throne Holder blo bzang dkon mchog 1849 -
45. Forty-fifth Throne Holder dkon mchog nyi ma 1852 -
46. Forty-sixth Throne Holder blo bzang chos 'dzin 1853 - ?
47. Forty-seventh Throne Holder Jigme Tenpai Nyima -
48. Forty-eighth Throne Holder Konchok Tenpai Gyatso 1846 -
49. Forty-ninth Throne Holder dkon mchog bstan pa rab rgyas -
50. Fiftieth Throne Holder 'jam dbyangs rgya mtsho 1862 -
51. Fifty-first Throne Holder ngag dbang thub bstan rgya mtsho 1865 -
53. Fifty-third Throne Holder Jigme Samdrub Gyatso 1865 - 1872
74. Seventy-fourth Throne Holder skal bzang grags pa rgya mtsho 1918 -
78. Seventy-eighth Throne Holder skal bzang sbyin pa rgya mtsho -
Throne Holder Ngawang Tenpai Gyeltsen 1754 - 1758
Throne Holder ngag dbang dge 'dun rgya mtsho 1889 -