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This person is mentioned in 1 biography.

Among the many important Geluk lamas of twentieth century Amdo that he trained were the Eleventh Tongkhor, Lobzang Jigme Tsultrim Gyatso (stong 'khor 11 blo bzang 'jigs med tshul khrims rgya mtsho, 1891-1909); Sertok Nominhan Lobzang Tsultrim Gyatso (gser tog no mo han blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho, 1845-1915); the Third Chesho, Lobzang Jangchub Tenpai Dronme (che shos 03 blo bzang byang chub bstan pa'i sgron me, 1861-1935); the seventieth abbot of Rongpo, Lobzang Lungtok Chokyi Gyatso (blo bzang lung rtogs chos kyi rgyal mtshan, 1880-1959); Jamyang Tubten Gyatso ('jam dbyangs thub bstan rgya mtsho, 1866-1928); the Third Arol, Lobzang Lungtok Tenpai Gyeltsen (a rol 03 blo bzang lung rtogs bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1888-1959); the Fourth Minyak, Ngawang Lekshe Gyatso (mi nyag 04 ngag dbang legs bshad rgya mtsho, 1902-1958); Deyang Lobzang Tendzin Norbu (bde yangs blo bzang bstan 'dzin nor bu, 1839-1911); Abhya Jigme Damcho Gyatso (a bhya 'jigs med dam chos rgya mtsho, 1898-1946); Giteng Lobzang Pelden (sgis /sge'u steng blo bzang dpal ldan, 1880-1944); and Pelri Lobzang Rabsel (dpal ris blo bzang rab gsal,1840-1910) ...

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