The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 2 biographies.

... In The Biography of Gyelse Lekpa—an account of Gyelse Lekpa's life by his contemporary Delek Gyatso (bde legs rgya mtsho), a student of Longchenpa (klong chen pa, 1308–1364)—Dorje Go plays a more important role in Gyelse Lekpa's youth than what is usual for mothers in Tibetan biographies ...

Read more from the biography of Gyelse Lekpa

... Other students included Khedrub Delek Gyatso (bde legs rgya mtsho), Khedrub Chokyi Drakpa (mkhas grub chos kyi grags pa), Trulzhik Sanggye Wonpo ('khrul zhig sangs rgyas dbon po), Orgyen Choje of Drok (o rgyan chos rje), Khenpo Sonam Senggye of Lu (glu mkhan bsod nams seng+ge), Drakpa Pel (grags pa dpal), and Sanggye Pelrin (sangs rgyas dpal rin). ...

Read more from the biography of Longchenpa Drime Wozer