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This person is mentioned in 1 biography.

Some of his prominent disciples included the Jonang master Tubten Gelek Gyatso (thub bstan dge legs rgya mtsho, 1844-1904); Minyak Khenpo Apel (mi nyag mkhan po a dpal, 19th century); Yeshe Gyeltsen (ye shes rgyal mtshan, 19th century), the female practitioner Adro Khenchen Socho (a gro'i mkhan chen bsod chod); the fourteenth abbot of Śrī Siṃha College, Tsering Norbu (tshe ring nor bu, d.u.); the twentieth abbot of Śrī Siṃha College Pema Tekchok Loden (pad+ma theg mchog blo ldan, 1879-1955); and the Third Gurong, Orgyen Jikdrel Choying Dorje (dgu rong 03 o rgyan 'jigs bral chos dbyings rdo rje, 1875-1932). ...

Read more from the biography of Purtsa Khenpo Akon