The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 2 biographies.

Among his main disciples were Khenpo Kunzang Pelden (mkhan po kun bzang dpal ldan, 1862-1943); Terton Sogyal Lerab Lingpa (gter ston bsod rgyal las rab gling pa, 1856-1926); the Third Katok Situ Orgyen Chokyi Gyatso, the Third Getse, Gyurme Tenpa Namgyel (dge rtse 03 'gyur med bstan pa rnam rgyal, 1886-1952); the Fourth Moktsa Jikdrel Chokyi Langpo (rmog rtsa 04 'jigs bral phyogs kyi glang po, d.u.); Tubten Gyeltsen Ozer (thub bstan rgyal mtshan 'od zer, b.1862); Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro ('jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros, 1893-1959); Choying Rangdrol (chos dbyings rang grol, 1872-1952); Drejongpa Tubten Chonyi ('bras ljongs pa thub bstan chos nyid, d.u.), the Fifty-fourth Ngor Khenchen Kunga Tenpai Gyeltsen (ngor mkhan chen 54 kun dga' bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1829-1870), Ayu Khadro Dorje Peldron (a g.yu mkha' 'gro rdo rje dpal sgron, 1839-1953), and Khunu Lama Tendzin Gyeltsen (khu nu bla ma bstan 'dzin rgyal mtshan, 1895-1977). ...

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Read more from the biography of Tubten Gyeltsen Wozer