His other principal teachers were, Dzaka Choktrul (dzaH ka mchog sprul 02 kun bzang rnam rgyal), Nyala Yeshe Dorje (nyag bla ye shes rdo rje) and Adzom Drukpa (a 'dzom 'brug pa, 1842–1924). In particular, he trained systematically in Katok Monastery's own specific traditions of kama (bka' ma)—canonical teachings passed down from ancient India—and terma (gter ma), or revealved treasures, especially those of Dudul Dorje (bdud 'dul rdo rje, 1615–1672) and Longsel Nyingpo (klong gsal snying po, 1625–1692). These traditions had been codified at Katok by the First Katok Getse Gyurme Tsewang Chokdrub ('gyur med tshe dbang mchog grub, 1761–1829). Through this training, he is said to have gained consummate realization of the pinnacle teachings of Dzogchen.[2]
According to Chatral Sangye Dorje (bya bral sangs rgyas rdo rje, 1913–2015), the author of the longest biographical source for Getse's life, outwardly he upheld the monastic vows of the Vinaya; inwardly, he upheld the vows of the bodhisattva; and secretly, he upheld a vajrācāryā's, or tantric master's knowledge of suchness itself while remaining exceedingly humble.
The Third Getse codified Katok's unique tradition of ritual arts since, over generations, the monastery had grown dependent on other institutions' systems of music, dance, chant, and maṇḍala construction. In particular, when the First Katok Getse was reviving the kama teachings at Katok, he had imported many of Mindroling Monastery's (smin grol gling) ritual traditions, as they were thriving at the time.[3]
He looked after many retreatants and at the invitation of masters such as Chaktsa Pema Trinle (phyag tsha 04 pad+ma 'phrin las) he often gave empowerments, reading transmissions, and instructions on the Dudul Dorje and Longsel Nyingpo treasures at Getse Dralak Monastery (dge rtse grwa lag) and other retreat centers.[4]
In the early twentieth century, the Third Katok Getse Gyurme Tenpa Namgyel visited Lhasa and exchanged teachings with the Thirteenth Dalai Lama, Tubten Gyatso (ta la'i bla ma 13 thub bstan rgya mtsho, 1876–1933).
Before Katok Situ Chokyi Gyatso passed away in 1925, he had assigned Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro ('jam dbyangs chos kyi blo gros, 1893–1959) to serve as his regent and the ranking lama at Katok. One task on Chokyi Lodro's agenda as the new abbot of Katok was to rectify the monks' lax vows and behavior—it was said many monks were even living with women on the monastery's grounds. Under Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro's direction, Khenpo Nuden (mkhan po nus ldan), Khenpo Jorden (mkhan po 'byor ldan), and Getse inspected all the monks' quarters and let it be known that the practice of women living at the monastery would not be tolerated.[5]
Getse compiled many generations of Katok lamas' instructions on the fundamental preliminary practices, creation and completion practices (bskyed rdzogs), bardo teachings, and Dzogchen trekcho (khregs chod) and togal (thog rgal) teachings for Longsel Nyingpo’s major treasure cycle, the Vajra Essence of the Luminous Expanse. Printed at Katok, the compilation was titled The Jeweled Mirror of Instruction (khrid yig nor bu me long), and it comprises the third volume of his collected works.[6]
Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro requested him to compose a recitation manual for Dudul Dorje's Vajrakīlaya treasure, The Meteorite Razor (gnam lcags spu gri), which he titled Sunlight Overcoming Hostile Obstacles (nyi ma'i snang ba bar chad dgra las rnam rgyal). According to Chatral Sangye Dorje, this guidebook is an essential resource for Vajrakīlaya practitioners.[7] He also wrote a manual on tsalung (rtsa rlung) yogic practice[8] and several important treatises on grammar, astrology, and other general sciences.
Throughout his life, Getse taught many of the most important tulkus and khenpos in eastern Tibet, especially those affiliated with Katok. One memorable story is related in the biography of Khenpo Munsel (mkhan po mun sel, 1916–1993), who was a close student of Khenpo Ngawang Pelzang (mkhan po ngag dbang dpal bzang, 1879–1940) at Katok:
One day, Munsel joined the many monks escorting Gyurme Tenpa Namgyal (Getse Mahapandita's third incarnation) from Tromkhok back to his own monastery. At a certain point, the guru asked the party, "Monks, are you well?" At the mere sound of his voice, all the thoughts stirring in Munsel's mind vanished like evanescent clouds, and he rested for a short time in the uncontrived way of abiding. This experience convinced him that Gyurme Tenpa Namgyal was his guru from past lifetimes.[9]
His principal lineage heirs were the Fourth Katok Situ, Orgyen Chokyi Nyima (kaH thog sit u chos kyi nyi ma, 1928–1962); Moktsa Jigme Chokle Namgyel ('jigs bral phyogs las rnam rgyal); Katok Wontrul Tsultrim Yonten Gyatso (kaH thog dbon sprul tshul khrims yon tan rgya mtsho); Nyingon Tulku Kunzang Tobgyel (nyin dgon sprul sku kun bzang stobs rgyal); Tsopu Dorlo Tulku Pema Trinle Namgyel (mtsho phu rdor lo'i sprul sku pad+ma phrin las rnam rgyal); Dza Choktrul Chokle Namgyel (dzaH ka mchog sprul phyogs las rnam rgyal); and Adzom Drukpa Tubten Pema Trinle (a ‘dzom ‘brug pa thub bstan pad+ma ‘phrin las, b. 1926).[10]
In his later years, Getse went on pilgrimage to central Tibet, Sikkim, and Bodh Gaya in India. During this time, he met Dudjom Rinpoche Jigdrel Yeshe Dorje (bdud 'joms 'jigs bral ye shes rdo rje, 1904–1988) and the two exchanged multiple teachings.[11]
In 1952, shortly after returning to Katok, Getse became ill. Nevertheless, he accepted an invitation to his ancestral region of Washul Trom. He passed away while on the journey.
The Third Getse's reincarnation, Gyurme Tenpai Gyeltsen ('gyur med bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1954–2018), was recognized by the Sixteenth Karmapa (karma pa 16, 1924–1981), Khyentse Chokyi Lodro, and Adzom Gyelse ( a 'dzom rgyal sras, b.1895).
[1] Bya bral, p. 132; MKhan chen 'jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan, p. 111.
[2] Bya bral, p. 133.
[3] Ronis, p. 193.
[4] Bya bral, p. 133.
[5] Dilgo Khyentse, ch. 4.
[6] Bya bral, p. 134.
[7] Bya bral, p. 134. The Vajrakīlaya work is titled bdud ʼdul phur pa gnam lcags spu griʼi bsnyen yig.
[8] rtsa rlung thug le khrid rim zhal lung bdud rtsi'i thigs pa.
[9] Nyoshul, p. 527. See also Kunsang, pp. 139–142; blo gros rgya mtsho, p. 54.
[10] MKhan chen ʼjam dbyangs rgyal mtshan, p. 112.
[11] Bya bral, p. 135.
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