The Treasury of Lives

The Third Pawo, Tsuklak Gyatso (dpa' bo 03 gtsug lag rgya mtsho) was born in a valley named Bandi Lung ('ban di lung) near Tsurpu Monastery (mtshur phu') in 1568, the male earth-dragon year of the ninth sexagenary cycle. His father's name was Sonam Gyatso (bsod nams rgya mtsho) and his mother's name was Nordzin Wangmo (nor 'dzin dbang mo).

When he was two years old, the Ninth Karmapa, Wangchuk Dorje (karma pa 09 dbang phyug rdo rje, 1556-1603) and the Fifth Zhamar, Konchok Yenlak (zhwa dmar 05 dkon mchog yan lag, 1525-1583) recognized him as the reincarnation of the Second Pawo, Tsuklak Trengwa (dpa 'bo 02 gtsug lag phreng ba, 1504-1566).

He was enthroned at Sekhar Gutok (sras mkhar dgu thog), the seat of the early Pawo incarnations. He would also presumably have spent time at Lhalung Monastery (lha lung dgon) in Lhodrak (lho brag), which the Second Pawo had established and made his second seat. When he was eight years old he took upāsaka vows (dge bsnyen) from the Fifth Zurmang Garwang (zur mang gar dbang 05), who gave him teachings.

When he was nineteen he took bhikśu (dge blongs) vows from the Ninth Karmapa, who transmitted the writings of the Eighth Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje (karma pa 08 mi bskyod rdo rje, 1507-1554) and others, including teachings from the Drigung Kagyu tradition.

At the age of twenty-three he went into an intensive three year retreat and was said to have had many visions of deities, showing signs of accomplishment.

When the Ninth Karmapa passed away, Tsuklak Gyatso built a silver stūpa in his honor. He trained the Tenth Karmapa, Choying Dorje (karma pa 10 chos dbyings rdo rje (1604-1674), and ordained him in 1615. Among his other students were the Fifth Tsurpu Gyeltsab, Drakpa Choying (mtshur phu rgyal tshab 05 grags pa mchog dbyangs, 1617-1658), Tsele Natsko Rangdrol (rtse le sna tshogs rang grol, b. 1608), and Darding Rigdzin Trinle Lhundrub (dar sdings rig 'dzin 'phrin las lhun grub, 1611-1662)

Tsuklak Gyatso passed away in 1630, on the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth month of the iron-horse year. His funeral ceremony was conducted by a student named Gyelwai Wangpo (rgyal ba'i dbang po).

Mads Garnak Rasmussen is currently studying Tibetan language and Buddhism in Dharamsala.

Published December 2014


Mgrong nyer grma tshul khrim. 2011.Dpal ldan dpa'bo'imdzad rnam.Kathmandu: Nehnan Phuntsok Choling Monastery, pp. 107-108.

Chos gyi'byung gnas. 1972.Dpa' bo gsum pa/(3)gtsug lag rgya mtsho/(1568-1630)."InSgrub brgyud karma kaMtshang brgyud pa rin po che'i rnam par thar pa rab byams nor bu zla ba chu shel gyi phreng ba, vol 2, pp. 242-252.New Delhi: Palpung Sungrab Nyamso Khang.TBRC W23435.

See alsoTBRC W26630.

Karma Thinley. 1980.History of the Sixteen Karmapas of Tibet. Prajna Press. Norbu Publications. pp. 99-104.
