The Treasury of Lives

Tenzin Dickie is a writer and translator. Formerly an editor at The Treasury of Lives, she is currently communications coordinator at the Buddhist Digital Resource Center.

Published April 2018


Dkon mchog rgya mtsho. 2003. Gangs ljongs skyes ma'i lo rgyus sbyi bshad. Lha sa: Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khan, p. 127-128. TBRC W29229.

Blo gros phun tshogs. 1995. Sde dge’i lo rgyus. Sichuan: Srid gros sde dge rdzong rig gnas lo rgyus rgyu cha bsdu sgrig u yon lhan khang, p. 68. TBRC W26569.

Ronis, Jann. 2011. Powerful Women in the History of Degé: Reassessing the Eventful Reign of the Dowager Queen Tsewang Lhamo (d. 1812). In Revue d'Etudes Tibétaines, no. 21, pp. 67, 74.

Tshe dbang rdo rje rig 'dzin. 1994. Sde dge chos kyi rgyal po rim byon gyi rnam thar dge legs nor bu'i phreng ba 'dod dgu rab 'phel. Bir, distt. Kangra, h.p: d. tsondu senghe yorey tsang, p.78. TBRC W23737.
