The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 2 biographies.

Khyentse's other patrons in Lhokha seems to have included the Pakmodru rulers, as evidenced by Katok Situ's (kaH thog si tu, 1880–1923/25) mention of a set of twenty-three Khyenri paintings depicting the sixteen arhats that had belonged to the Pakmodru rulers of the region that were later preserved at Nedong Bentsang (sne gdong ban gtsang).[11] Khyentse Chenmo or his early successors were also esteemed and patronized by prominent lamas of the Drukpa Kagyu, Drigung Kagyu, and Nyingma traditions, and he may have created three large paintings at Dra Dingpoche (grwa ldings po che) depicting the Drukpa Kagyu lineage. ...

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Tseten Yudron was born in 1904 to the  noble Rakashar (ra ka shar)  family from the Yarlung Valley.[1] According to her son, Thinley Norbu Rinpoche (phrin las nor bu rin po che, 1931–2011), she resisted her family's early attempts to marry her to an aristocrat, insisting that she would only partner with a lama who would help support her Buddhist practice.[2] Accordingly, in her teens or twenties, she became romantically involved with the renowned scholar Kyungtrul Pema Wangchen Tenzin Trinle (khyung sprul pad+ma dbang chen bstan 'dzin 'phrin las, 1870–1930) while he was staying in central Tibet ...

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