The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 1 biography.

Beginning in 1403, at the age of twelve, Zhonnu Pel studied traditional Buddhist subjects such as the Pramāṇavārttika under the tutorship of Tsetang Samten Zangpo (rtse thang mkhan po bsam gtan bzang po, d.u.); Prajñāpāramitā under Lachen Shakya Gyelpo (bla chen shAkya rgyal po, 1384-1474); Madhyamaka under Yeshe Gyeltsen (ye shes rgyal mtshan d.u.); and Vinaya and Abhidharma under Kyomorlung Geshe Tendzin Dondrub (skyor mo lung dge bshes bstan 'dzin don grub, d.u.). ...

Read more from the biography of Go Lotsāwa Zhonnu Pel