The Treasury of Lives

Antonio Terrone (Ph.D. Leiden University, 2010) is an Associate Professor of Instruction in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at Northwestern University. He specializes in the political history of Tibetan Buddhism in modern and contemporary China.

Published August 2024


Arjia Rinpoche. 2010. Surviving the Dragon: A Tibetan Lama's Account of 40 Years Under Chinese Rule. New York: Rodale Press.

Blo bsang bkra shis and Gtsang phrug stobs lags, eds. 2009. Paṇchen sku 'phreng bcu pa'i mdzad rnam. Bylakuppe, India: Central Association for H.H. the Paṇchen Lama.

Jiang, Ping. 1998. Banchan e’erdeni pingzhuan. Beijing, Zhongguo Zangxue chubanshe.

Jiangbian Jiacuo. 1989. Banchan da shi. Beijing, Dongfang chubanshe.

Lin, Guanqun. 2001. Shi shi Banchan zhuan. Guo shi ni zhuan, n°10.

Luozhuo Jicun. 1998. Di shi shi Banchan e’erdeni pingzhuan. Beijing, Wuzhou zhuanbo chubanshe.

Tibet Information Network. 1997. A Poisoned Arrow. The Secret Report of the 10th Paṇchen Lama. London, UK: Tibet Information Network.

Tsangtrul Thopla. 2022. The Prince of Shambala: A Biography of the Tenth Paṇchen Lama. Translated by Phurbu Dolma. Dharamsala, India: The Library of Tibetan Works and Archives.

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