The Treasury of Lives

Samten Chhosphel earned his PhD from CIHTS in India where he served as the head of Publication Dept. for 26 years. He has a Master’s degree in Writing and Publishing from Emerson College, Boston. Currently he is an adjunct Assistant Professor at the City University of New York, and Language Associate in Columbia University, NY.

Catherine Tsuji received an MA in Religious Studies at University of California Santa Barbara. She is currently an editor at the Treasury of Lives.

Published February 2018


Bstan dzin rgya mtsho, and Lobsang Phuntshok Lhalungpa. 1997. Tibet: The Sacred Realm: Photographs, 1880-1950. New York: Aperture, p. 33.

Leslie Bradburn. 1995. Masters of the Nyingma Lineage Crystal Mirror Series 11. Berkeley, California: Dharma Publishing.

Chos nyid bzang mo. Gangs shug ma Ni lo chen rig 'dzin chos nyid bzang mo'i rnam par thar pa rnam mkhyen bde ster. Snga 'gyur rnying ma'i gsung rab Series: V.22; Gangtok: Sonam Topgay Kazi, 1975.

Don rdor and bstan 'dzin chos grags. Gangs ljongs lo rgyus thog gig rags can mi sna, bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, pp. 949-952.

Havnevik, Hanna. 1998. "On Pilgrimage for Forty Years in the Himalayas: The Female Lama Jetsun Lochen Rinpoche's (1865-1951) Quest for Sacred Sites." In A.C. McKay ed. Pilgrimage in Tibet, p. 85-107. Surrey: Curzon.

Havnevik, Hanna. 1999. The Life of Jetsun Lochen Rinpoche (1865-1951). Journal of Religious Culture, vol. 27, no. 11.

Havnevik, Hanna. 1999. The Life of Jetsun Lochen Rinpoche (1865-1951) as Told in her Autobiography, Vols. 1 & 2. Ph.D. Dissertation. Oslo: Faculty of Arts.

Sngags mang zhib 'jug 2003. Sngags pa'i shes rig dus deb (sngags mang zhib 'jug spyi'I don thengs lnga pa. Mtsho sngon zhing chen ngag bstan rig gnas zhib 'jug lte gnas.

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