The Treasury of Lives

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This person is mentioned in 21 biographies.

As a young boy he became a student of Rechungpa (ras chung pa, 1084-1161) at Loro (lo ro), and was given the vows of novice monk (dge tshul; SK: śrāmaṇera) at the age of twenty-one at Loro Zhingsar (lo ro zhing gsar) by a Khenpo Tsewerwa (mkhan po rtse ber ba, d.u.) and Chak Rinchen Chang (chags rin chen 'chang) or Lobpon Dakpo Tsangdulwa (slob dpon dwags po gtsang 'dul ba) ...

Read more from the biography of Chekhawa Yeshe Dorje

... He received from him the complete teachings of Mahāmudrā as well as The Six Cycles of One Taste (ro snyoms), a treasure teaching said to have been concealed by Rechungpa Dorje Drakpa (ras chung pa rdo rje grags pa, 1083/4-1161) and revealed by Tsangpa Gyare ...

Read more from the biography of Drukpa Kunle

... These incuded Milarepa's own disciple Rechung Dorje Drak (ras chung rdo rje grags pa, 1085-1161); Ponpuk Tongyal (spon phug ston rgyal, d.u.), a disciple of Rongpa Gardewa (rong pa 'gar dge ba, d.u.); Kyangmo Pangkhawa (rkyang mo spang kha ba), a disciple of Meton Kunga Nyingpo (mes ston kun dga' snying po, d.u.); and Relchak Tontsul (ral lcags ston tshul, d.u.) of Daryul ...

Read more from the biography of Dusum Khyenpa

... In particular, from his father he received all of the instructions of the Rechung Nyengyu (ras chung snyan rgyud), or Aural Lineage of Rechungpa (ras chung pa rdo rje grags pa, 1085–1161), and it is said that he attained deep experience and realization in those practices. ...

Read more from the biography of Jangsem Choje Sonam Gyeltsen

In 1146, at the age of twenty-five, Sherab Sengge met with Rechung Dorje Drakpa (ras chung rdo rje grags pa, 1085-1161), one of the close disciples of Milarepa, and received many teachings including on the Heruka Tantra, Formless-ḍākinī, and tummo (gtum mo), a practice of yogic heat. ...

Read more from the biography of Katokpa Dampa Deshek

... She was the daughter of Jangsem Choje Sonam Gyeltsen (byang sems chos rje bsod nams rgyal mtshan)—a great meditator and holder of the Rechung Nyengyu (ras chung snyan rgyud), or Aural Lineage of Rechungpa (ras chung pa rdo rje grags pa, 1085–1161) ...

Read more from the biography of Kunden Rema

... In particular, Kunden Rema bestowed on him the empowerments and instructions for the Rechung Nyengyu (ras chung snyan rgyud), or Aural Lineage of Rechungpa (ras chung pa, 1085–1161). ...

Read more from the biography of Kunpang Delek Rinchen


Lhachik Dembu's story is integral to the lore of the Kagyu tradition, as she is a major character in the biography of one of its most important lineage masters, Rechungpa (ras chung pa, 1085–1161), the renowned disciple of Milarepa (mi la ras pa, 1040–1123) ...

Read more from the biography of Lhachik Dembu

... Husband and wife both put on the white cotton robes that were worn by Milarepa (mi las ras pa, 1040-1123) and his student Rechungpa Dorje Drakpa (ras chung pa rdo rje grags pa, 1085-1161) ...

Read more from the biography of Lingrepa Pema Dorje

She took lay vows and is said to have studied and practiced extensively, particularly with Khyungtsang Repa (khyung tshang ras pa, 1115-1176), a disciple of Rechungpa Dorje Drakpa (ras chung pa rdo rje grags pa, 1085-1161) ...

Read more from the biography of Machik Ongjo

... From a lama in Drukdril Monastery (drug dril dgon) in Loro, he received all the instructions of Rechungpa (ras chung pa'i gdams pa) (ras chung pa, 1085–1161), practiced them, and experienced infinite pure visions. ...

Read more from the biography of Meban Rinchen Lingpa

Milarepa is credited with gathering numerous disciples; the best known are Rechung Dorje Drakpa (ras chung rdo rje brag pa, 1084-1161) and Gampopa Sonam Rinchen (sgam po pa bsod nam rin chen, 1079-1153) ...

Read more from the biography of Milarepa

... These he transmitted along with the necessary sādhana, side-rituals (las tshog), reading transmissions, and the meditation instructions and esoteric precepts (man ngag) of the creation and completion stages.[27] In his autobiography, Autobiography on Namto Mountain (Karma pa mi bskyod rdo rje’i rnam thar rje nyid kyis rnam thos kyi ri bor mdzad pa), the Eighth Karmapa describes his studies and the instructions he received such as the six Dharmas of Nāropa (nāro chos drug), Mahāmudrā, and the deity recitations and accomplishment of Rechungpa (ras chung pa, 1085–1161). ...

Read more from the biography of Tashi Peljor

... Especially important was the different Aural Transmissions (snyan brgyud) of the Kagyu tradition that had been transmitted by three of Milarepa’s foremost disciples: Rechungpa Dorje Drakpa (ras chung pa rdo rje grags pa, 1085–1161), Ngendzong Tonpa (ngan rdzong ston pa, b ...

Read more from the biography of Tsangnyon Heruka


Read more from the biography of Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje

Jamyang Chodrak's was important in the transmission of the Rechung Nyengyu (ras chung snyan rgyud), a lineage of teaching and practice stemming from Milarepa's disciple Rechung Dorje Drakpa (ras chung rdo rje grags pa, 1085-1161) ...

Read more from the biography of Jamyang Chodrak

With Drigom's blessings he returned to U to seek out Milarepa's disciple Rechungpa Dorje Drakpa (ras chung pa rdo rje grags pa, 1085-1161) ...

Read more from the biography of Khyungtsangpa Yeshe Lama

... At this time he also received instructions on the Teaching Cycle of the Eight Great Vajrapāṇis (phyag rdor che ba brgyad bskor) from Sanggye Kyabpa (sangs rgyas skyabs pa, d.u.), and the oral lineage of Rechungpa Dorje Drakpa (ras chung rdo rje grags pa, 1085-1161) from Rabjampa Konchok Samdrub (rab 'byams pa dkon mchog bsam grub, d.u.). ...

Read more from the biography of Lekden Dorje

Although at first he studied as a layperson with some famous lamas of his time, including Ngok Dode (rngog mdo sde, d.u.) and Rechungpa Dorje Drakpa (ras chung pa rdo rje grags pa ...

Read more from the biography of Lhachuk Kharwa Nyida Wo

... 1828), who was considered a reincarnation of both Rechung Dorje Drakpa (ras chung rdo rje grags pa, 1085-1161) and Ratna Lingpa (rat na gling pa, 1403-1479) ...

Read more from the biography of Shākya Shrī

His studies included everything from the basic texts on vinaya vows to the ear-whispered teachings known as the Rechung Nyengyu (ras chung snyan brgyud) which he studied with Zhangton Sherab Bar (zhang ston shes rab 'bar) and Rechungpa (ras chung pa) respectively ...

Read more from the biography of Wolkhawa Drolgom Choyung