Joseph McClellan
received a PhD from Columbia University's Department of Religion in 2013. He has taught humanities at colleges in several countries and is now an independent translator and writer based in Asia.
Anon. 2009.Bla ma brgyud paʼi rnam thar ngo mtshar zla baʼi me long. Plouray: Drukpa Plouray. BDRC MW1KG4247_F2032F
Kragh, Ulrich Timme. 2011. “Prolegomenon to the Six Doctrines of Nā Ro PA: Authority and Tradition,” in Mahāmudrā and the BKa’-Brgyud Tradition, edited by Roger R. Jackson and Matthew Kapstein. PIATS 2006, Band 25. Andiast: International institute for Tibetan and Buddhist studies.
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