Padmākaravarma was an eleventh century Kashmiri paṇḍita. He may have been a student of Atiśa Dīpaṃkara (c.982-1054) He was a teacher to Rinchen Zangpo (rin chen bzang po, 958-1055), with whom he worked on several translations of Indian works into Tibetan. These include the first Tibetan translation of the Cakrasaṃvara, the well-known Fifty Stanzas on the Guru (Gurupancasika; bla ma lnga bcu pa) written by Aśvaghoṣa, and the Mahāvairocanābhudambidhisambaddhipūjāvidhi, a ritual text related to the Mahāvairocanābhudambidhi that was written by Śrībhadranandana.
Luczanits, Christian. “Siddhas, Hierarchs, and Lineages: Three Examples for Dating Tibetan Art.” In Mirror of the Buddha, Early Portraits from Tibet, edited by David Paul Jackson. Masterworks of Tibetan Painting Series, New York: Rubin Museum of Art, 2011: 170–203, 214–218.