The Treasury of Lives

Sangdak Namkha Pelzang (gsang bdag nam mkha' dpal bzang, also known as Chakdor Tulku (phyag rdor sprul sku), was the eleventh abbot of Ralung Monastery (rwa lung dgon). His father was the tenth abbot of Ralung, Jamyang Yeshe Rinchen ('jam dbyangs ye shes rin chen, 1364-1413). His brothers, Drungdorwa (drung rdor ba, d.u.) and Sherab Zangpo (shes rab bzang po), were also lineage holders. Sherab Zangpo, also known as Chenrezi Tulku (spyan ras gzigs sprul pa), was the twelfth abbot of Ralung and authored a biography of his brother. Drungdorwa, who was not a monk, was the grandfather of Druknyon Kunga Lekpa ('brug smyon kun dga’ legs pa, 1455-1529).

Namkha Pelzang passed away in 1425 at the age of twenty-eight.

Alexander Gardner is Director and Chief Editor of the Treasury of Lives. He completed his PhD in Buddhist Studies at the University of Michigan in 2007. He is the author of The Life of Jamgon Kongtrul The Great.

Published December 2009


'Jam dbyangs chos kyi grags pa. 1985. Ras chung snyan rgyud gsar ma. Tashijong: Khampa Gar Sungrab Nyamso Gyunphel Parkhang, pp. 65.4 ff.

Roerich, George, trans. 1996. The Blue Annals. 2nd ed. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, p. 672.

Shes rab bzang po. 1975 (1432). Nam mkha’ dpal bzang gi rnam thar. In: Rwa lun dkar brgyud gser ’phreng. Vol 3, pp. 99-106. Pelampur: Sungrab NyamsoGyunphel Pharkang, Tibetan Craft Community.

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