The Treasury of Lives

Labsum Gyeltsen Wangpo (bslab gsum rgyal mtshan dbang po) was born in 1526, the fire-male dog year of the tenth sexagenary cycle, in Oyuk ('od yug), Tsang. His father was named Gyellha (rgyal lha) and his mother was known as Khandroma (mkha' 'gro ma). His childhood name was Tsogyel (mtsho rgyal).

He began his studies of reading, writing and recitation at a very early age. Subsequently, he was granted novice vows by Drubpai Wangchuk Drungpa Gatsepa (grub pa'i dbang phyug drung pa 'ga' tshe ba, d.u.) of Dingma Monastery (lding ma dgon), who gave him the name Labsum Gyeltsen Wangpo. He also studied tantra with a lama named Choje Lekdenpa (chos rje legs ldan pa, d.u.). 

Soon afterwards he matriculated in Dreyul Kyetsel Monastery ('bras yul skyed tshal), where he began to study Prajñāpāramitā, under the guidance of Lodro Chopak (blo gros chos 'phags, d.u.), who was a student of the eleventh abbot of Ngor Monastery (ngor dgon), Sanggye Sengge (sangs rgyas seng ge, 1504-1569). Labsum Gyeltsen Wangpo would later study with the famous Sanggye Sengge himself.

At some point, while on an alms tour, he had an audience with Nesar Jamyang Khyentse Wangchuk (gnas gsar 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang phyug, 1524-1567) who was soon to ascend to the abbatial throne of Dingma Monastery and who later served as the fourteenth abbot of Zhalu Monastery (zhwa lu). Soon after he received Lamdre (lam 'bras) teachings from Dakchen Ngakgi Wangchuk (bdag chen ngag gi dbang phyug, d.u.). Tsarchen Losel Gyatso (tshar chen blo gsal rgya mtsho, 1502-1566), the thirteenth abbot of Zhalu and the founder of the Tsarpa branch of the Sakya tradition, gave him Lamdre Lobshe (lam 'bras slob bshad) transmission and taught him the Dzogchen revelations of a treasure revealer named Rigdzin Dorje (rig 'dzin rdo rje). Khyentse Wangchuk gave him Lamdre Tsokshe (lam 'bras mtshogs bshad) teachings, together with related sādhana. He also transmitted tantric cycles of Mahākāla, the Bu system (bu lugs) of Kālacakra that stemmed from Buton Rinchen Drub (bu ston rin chen grub, 1290-1364), the Ra system (rwa lugs) of Bhairava that had originated with Ra Lotsāwa Dorje Drak (rwa lo tsA ba rdo rje grags, 1016-1128), and the Jangter (byang gter) treasure cycle of Dzogchen teachings.

He also studied with the tenth abbot of Ngor, Konchok Lhundrub (dkon mchog lhun grub, 1497-1557); the twenty-fourth abbot of Jonang Monastery (jo nang dgon), Kunga Drolchok (kun dga' grol mchog, 1507-1565); the twelfth abbot of Ngor, Konchok Pelden (dkon mchog dpal ldan,1526-1590); Jamyang Tashi Gyeltsen ('jam dbyangs bkra shis rgyal mtshan, d.u.); Paṇchen Lhawang Lodro (paN chen lha dbang blo gros, d.u), and others.

He went into retreat at Dodong Trawo (bo dong khra bo), a hermitage apparently associated with Bodong E Monastery (bo dong e dgon).

At the age of forty-four, at Nyamyo Jashong Monastery (mnyam yod bya gshong), he received full ordination from Jamyang Sanggye Gyeltsen ('jam dbyangs sangs rgyas rgyal mtshan, d.u).

He later ascended to the abbatial throne of Bodong E, a monastery founded in 1049 by the Kadampa Geshe Mudrapa Chenpo (mu dra pa chen po, d.u.) that maintained an independent teaching lineage of Lamdre. There he taught Lamdre as well as some Nyingma traditions.

Among his students were Asha Ngakchang Wangchuk Rabten (a zhwa sngags 'chang dbang phyug rab brtan, 1558-1636) and Sonam Chopel (bsod nams chos 'phel, 1527- 1603/1610). Other student’s names are recorded as Je Rigpai Wangchuk (rje rig pa'i dbang phyug, d.u.), Choje Nyinmopa (chos rjes nyin mo pa, d.u.), Chowang Rinchen (chos dbang rin chen, d.u.), Tsungme Lama Dampa Ludrub Gyatso (mtshung med bla ma dam pa klu sgrub rgya mtsho, d.u.), and Rigdzin Chenmo (rig 'dzin chen mo, d.u.).

He passed away at the age fifty-two, in 1577, the fire-female cow year of the tenth sexagenary cycle.

Tsering Namgyal is a scholar in Xining.

Published July 2014


Blo gsal bstan skyong. 1971. Dpal ldan zhwa lu pa'i bstan pa la bka' drin che ba'i skyes bu dam pa rnams kyi rnam thar lo rgyus ngo mtshar dad pa'i 'jug ngogs. Leh: S.W. Tashigangpa, pp. 292 ff. TBRC W19832.

Dbang phyug rab brtan. N.d. Sdings ma ba chen po bslab gsum rgyal mtshan. In Sa skya'i bla ma 'ga' yi rnam thar phyogs bsgrigs, vol. 2, pp. 251-260. TBRC W1KG9245.

Mupo. 2002. Mkhas grub shes rab rgyal mtshan. In Lam 'dras bla ma brgyud pa' rnam thar, vol. 1, pp. 277-281. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang. TBRC W23724.

Zhwa lu ri sbug sprul sku blo gsal bstan skyong. 1971. Dpal ldan zhwa lu pa'i bstan pa la bka' drin che ba'i skyes bu dam pa rnams kyi rnam thar lo rgyus ngo mtshar dad pa'i 'jug ngogs. Leh: S.W. Tashigangpa, p. 292.

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