The Treasury of Lives

Khenchen Lungrik Gyatso (mkhan chen lung rigs rgya mtsho) was a disciple of Kunga Drolchok (kun dga' grol mchog, 1507-1566). He was born in upper Nyang (nyang stod) in the hereditary line of the Tsangkhangpa rulers (sde pa gtsang khang pa).

Lungrik Gyatso extensively studied the traditions of sutra and tantra at the Sakya monastery of Serdokchen (gser mdog can), the monastic seat of the great Paṇchen Shākya Chokden (paN chen shAkya mchog ldan, 1428-1507). In particular, he received from Kunga Drolchok the complete transmission of the Kālacakra initiation, the Kālacakra Tantra, and the esoteric instructions of the six-branch yoga. Many years later, it was Lungrik Gyatso who recognized Tāranātha (tA ra nA tha, 1575-1634) as the reincarnation of Kunga Drolchok.

Lungrik Gyatso served as the abbot of Gyantse (rgyal rtse) and other monasteries. Following the enthronement of Tāranātha at Jonang Monastery, Lungrik Gyatso passed to him all the teaching transmissions that he had received from Kunga Drolchok. He apparently passed away soon afterward.

Cyrus Stearns is a scholar based in Washington State, USA. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Washington in 1996.

Published August 2008


Ngag dbang blo gros grags pa. 1992. Dpal ldan jo nang pa'i chos 'byung rgyal ba'i chos tshul gsal byed zla ba'i sgron me. Koko Nor: Krung go'i bod kyi shes rig dpe skrun khang, 1992, p. 41.

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