The Fourth Drime Zhingkyong, Jigme Dechen Dorje (dri med zhing skyong 04 'jigs med bde chen rdo rje) was born at Dartsedo (dar rtse mdo) in the Chakla kingdom (lcags la) in 1899, the earth-pig year of the fifteenth sexagenary cycle. His father, Powo Chodrak (spo bo chos grags) was the king of Chakla kingdom.
As a child he was identified as the reincarnation of the Third Drime Zhingkyong, Jigme Yonten Gonpo (dri med zhing skyong 03 'jigs med yon tan mgon po, 1837-1898) based on a prediction of Ju Mipam Gyatso ('ju mi pham 'jam rgya mtsho, 1846-1912). He was brought to Katok Monastery (kaH thog rdo rje gdan) and enthroned by the Third Katok Situ Orgyen Chokyi Gyatso (kaH thog si tu 03 o rgyan chos kyi rgya mtsho, 1880-1925).
He studied under a number of distinguished masters of the monastery including the Third Katok Situ. He then served the monastery, maintaining its tradition by teaching to all levels of students. Like his predecessors he was also an expert in the Longsel Dorje Nyingpo (klong gsal rdo rje snying po) cycle. He gave teachings on Dzogchen and led the students in their meditation.
Details of his later life and nirvana are not available currently but it can be assumed that he passed away in or before 1939. His reincarnation, the Fifth Drime Zhingkyong, Jigme Trinle Gonpo (dri med zhing skyong 05 'jigs med phrin las mgon po), was born in 1940.
'Jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan. 1996.Rgyal ba kaH thog pa'i lo rgyus mdor bsdus.Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 107-108.