The Treasury of Lives

The Fifth Seri Maṇi Paṇḍita, Gendun Tendzin Gyeltsen (gser ri'i ma Ni paNDita 05 dge 'dun bstan 'dzin rgyal mtshan) was born in 1896 in Gyakhar (rgya mkhar). In Tseten Zhabdrung's autobiography it stated that according to legend, the Fourth Seri Maṇi Paṇḍita, Lobzang Dargye (gser ri'i ma Ni paNDita 04 blo bzang dar rgyas, d.u.) gave a last testament that he would take rebirth either in Amgon (a mgon) or Gyakhar. These two choices concerning the location of his rebirth created some controversy in securing a universally accepted candidate. The Fifth Tseten Zhabdrung, Nantāzhin Jigme Tubten Gyatso (tshe tan zhabs drung 05 nan tA zhin 'jigs med thub bstan rgya mtsho) requested the intervention of Jigme Rigpai Lodro ('jigs med rigs pa'i blo gros) — not to be confused with the Sixth Tseten Zhabdrung — as this was a disciple of the Fourth Seri Maṇi Paṇḍita. They affirmed the recognition of Gendun Tendzin Gyeltsen.

At Ditsa Monastery (dhi tsha / lde tsha / ldi tsha dgon) Gendun Tendzin Gyeltsen received vows of renunciation and full ordination vows from Gendun Tenpai Rabgye (dge 'dun bstan pa rab rgyas, d.u.). Another lama from Ditsa, Chokawa Drakpa Gyatso (chos bka' ba grags pa rgya mtsho, d.u.) was invited to the hermitage at Amgon to teach the young boy.

At the age of twenty-five Gendun Tendzin Gyeltsen took the throne at Kumbum's Medical College, a post he held for three years. He became a well-respected teacher, particularly of Lamrim. Among his students were the Sixth Tseten Zhabdrung, Jigme Rigpai Lodro (tshe tan zhabs drung 06 'jigs med rigs pa'i blo gros, 1910-1985).

Gendun Tendzin Gyeltsen passed away in 1944, on the fourth day of the eleventh month in the wood monkey year of the sixteenth sexagenary cycle, at the age of forty-nine. The Sixth Tseten Zhabdrung took part in carrying out the rites for his cremation.

The Sixth Seri Maṇi Paṇḍita, Jigme Lekshe Drayang ('jigs med legs bshad sgra dbyangs), was born in 1945 as one of the Sixth Tseten Zhabdrung's paternal cousins. He was still active in his monastic community as of 2008.

Nicole Willock (Ph.D. Indiana University Bloomington, Tibetan Studies and Religious Studies, 2011) is an assistant professor of Asian Religions at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, where she teaches World Religions, Buddhism, and Religions of China and Tibet.

Published April 2012


Tshe tan zhabs drung. 1987.Mnyam med shākya'i dbang bo'i rjes zhugs pa 'jigs med rigs pa'i blo gros rang gi byung ba brjod pa bden gtam rna ba'i bdud rtsi. InMkhas dbang tshe tan zhabs drung 'jigs med rigs pa'i blo gros kyi gsung rtsom, vol. 1, pp. 499-801. Xining: Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 747-748.

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