Menpa Dratsang Sorik Zhenphen Ling (sman pa grwa tshang gso rig gzhan phan gling), more popularly known as Menpa Dratsang, meaning ‘Medical College,’ is one of the six monastic colleges of Labrang Tashikhyil (bla brang bkra shis 'khyil) Monastery. The others include a college for philosophical studies—Tsenyi Dratsang (mtshan nyid grwa tshang)—and four monastic colleges for tantric studies—Gyume Dratsang (rgyud smad grwa tshang), Gyuto Dratsang (rgyud stod grwa tshang), Dukhor Dratsang (dus 'khor grwa tshang) and Kyedor Dratsang (kya'i rdor grwa tshang). Menpa Dratsang was established by the Second Jamyang Zhepa, Konchok Jigme Wangpo (jam dbyangs bzhad pa 02 dkon mchog 'jigs med dbang po, 1728–1791), in 1784. The college is dedicated to the study and practice of traditional medicine and astrology in Amdo.