The Treasury of Lives

Lhundrubteng is a Sakya monastery in Derge. It was founded in the fifteenth century by Jampa Puntsok on the site of earlier royal temples. Starting in the seventeenth century it enjoyed close ties with Ngor Monastery in Tsang, and is sometimes considered a branch of that monastery. The monastery includes the famous Derge Printing House. It is popularly known as Gonchen, although this term is also used for the entire city of Derge. 


Gyurme Dorje. 2004. Tibet Handbook. Bath: Footprint, pp. 501-503. 

Mkhan po skal ldan tshe ring. 2000. sde dge dgon chen dgon paʼi lo rgyus


Incarnation Lines

Abbots & Officers


1. First Abbot Kunga Puntsok -
2. Second Abbot Lachen Chemchok - 1675?
3. Third Abbot Sanggye Tenpa 1675? - 1710
4. Fourth Abbot Sonam Puntsok 1710 - 1714
5. Fifth Abbot Tenpa Tsering 1714 - 1738
6. Sixth Abbot Puntsok Tenpa 1738 - 1751
7. Seventh Abbot Lodro Gyatso 1751 - 1779
8. Eighth Abbot Yangchen Drolma 1774 - 1786


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