Neema Tashi
is a research scholar working as a PhD student on Buddhist philosophy and history at Central Institute of Buddhist Studies, Leh, Ladakh, India.
La dwags kyi shes rab zom=Ladakhi Sheeraza, vol 3–4 (1999-2001). Leh-Ladakh: Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Arts, Culture and Languages.
Dr Thupstan Norboo. La dwags kyi shes rab zom=Ladakhi Sheeraza, vol 42 (2021). Leh-Ladakh: Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Arts, Culture and Languages.
Shakspo Tsering Nawang, editor. 2009. Gnas bstan tsul khrims rdo rje. In Nges pa don gyi grub pa'i dbang phyug rje bla ma tshul khrims nyi ma dpal bzang po'i rnam thar pa mdo tsam brjod pa dad gsum nyin byed 'dren pa'i skya rengs, vol 1. Leh Ladakh: Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Arts, Culture and Languages.
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