The Treasury of Lives

Yonten Taye (yon tan mtha' yas) was born to Tsamdrak Choje Ngawang Drukpa (mtshams brag chos rje ngag dbang 'brug pa) in the family lineage of Churu (cu ru) in 1724, the wood-dragon year.

At the age of eight, in 1731, he was enrolled as monk in the presence of the First Tritrul, Mipam Wangpo (khri sprul 01 mi pham dbang po, 1709-1738) and received his novice monastic vows from the Eleventh Je Khenpo Ngawang Trinle (rje mkhan po 11 ngag dbang 'phrin las, 1712-1770). As per his father’s wishes, Yonten Taye studied Tibetan poetry, grammar and Sanskrit grammar in Tibet, with from Druk Lotsāwa Ngawang Pelzang ('brug pa lo tsA ba ngag dbang dpal bzang, d.u.), and Drepung Losel Ling Khenpo Jamyang Puntsok ('bras spungs blo gsal gling mkhan po 'jam dbyangs phun tshogs, d.u.), after which he returned to Bhutan where he become the resident lama at Paro Lateng Monastery (spa gro la steng). He was later entrusted as Tsennyi Lobpon (mtshan nyid slob dpon), in charge of the monastic colleges (bshad gra), and after several years returned to his own Tsamdrak Monastery to preside over its religious affairs.

When Yonten Taye was forty-eight years old, in 1771, he was enthroned as the Thirteenth Je Khenpo of Bhutan, taking the responsibility as head of the religious affairs. Soon after, Tashichoedzong (bkra shis chos rdzong) was destroyed by fire, and he supervised the rebuilding.

In the wood sheep year at the age of fifty-two, Yonten Thaye descended from the throne in order to spend the rest of his life in the hermitage. In 1779, at the age of fifty-six, while giving final teachings to the fortunate disciples, he established the Dodedrak Monastery (mdo sde brag).

Punakha Dzong was destroyed by fire when Yonten Taye was fifty-seven, and yet again he had to take leading role, skillfully completing the reconstruction, which resulted in a monument bestowed with even greater shrine objects than before.

He went on a pilgrimage to Dakpa Shelri (dag pa shel ri) mountain in Tsari (tsa ri) in Tibet at the age of fifty-eight to continue his mission of safe guarding and propagating the Drukpa Kagyu tradition. After his return, Yonten Taye passed away at the age of sixty-one, in 1784, in the wood-dragon year.

Karma Rigzin is a researcher at the Institute of Language and Culture Studies.

Published April 2011


Dge 'dun rin chen. 1976.Lho 'brug chos 'byung. Thimphu: Gges don zung 'jug grub pa'i dga' tshal, pp. 149 ff.
