Dkon mchog rgya mtsho. 2004. Chos rje 'jig rten mgon po'i slob ma. In 'Bri gung chos 'byung, pp. 311-343. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, p. 333. TBRC W27020.
Spyan snga grags pa 'byung gnas. 2004. Byang thang ras pa la. In 'Bri gung bka' brgyud chos mdzod chen mo, A mgon rin po che, ed., vol. 34, p. 127. Lhasa. TBRC W00JW501203.
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The TBRC RID number refers to the unique ID assigned by the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center ( to each historical figure in their database of Tibetan literature.