The Sixth Rongwo Drubchen, Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen (rong bo grub chen 06 blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1858/1859-1915), also known as the Sixth Kelden Lama, was born in 1858, the earth-sheep year of the fourteenth sexagenary cycle, in a place named Chubzang Ralotang (chu bzang rA lo thang). His father was named Nyobo Jampa (nyo bob yams pa, d.u.) and his mother was named Lhamo Tsering (lha mo tse ring, d.u.). They named him Konchok Khyab (dkon mchog skyabs).
At the age of five he was recognized as the rebirth of the Fifth Rongwo Drubchen, Lobzang Trinle Gyatso (rong bo grub chen 05 blo bzang 'phrin las rgya mtsho, 1844-1858) by Tsador Jampel Tsultrim (tsha rdor 'jam dpal tshul khrims, d.u.) and the Sixth Gyelse, Ngawang Tokme Tendzin Gyatso (rgyal sras 06 ngag dbang thogs med bstan 'dzin rgyal mtshan, b. 1812). He was brought to Labrang Tashikhyil (bla brang bkra shis 'khyil) and installed on the throne of Rongwo Labrang, one of the colleges of the monastery.
At Labrang he received lay vows from the Second Arol, Lobzang Lungrik Gyatso (a rol lung rigs rgya mtsho, 1805-1886/8), who gave him the name Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen. He began to learn reading and writing under the guidance of Gyupe Sokru Jungdrinpa (rgyud pa'i sog ru byings 'dren pa, d.u.).
When he turned seven, at the command of Arol Lobzang Lungrik Gyatso, Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen initially studied under the tutor Dargye Gyatso (dar rgyas rgya mtsho, d. 1909). Many years later he sponsored this teacher's funeral ceremony. He was also given novice monastic vows and also the secret name Mikyo Dorje (mi bskyod rdo rje) from Arol Lobzang Lungrik Gyatso. At the age eight he began studying Lamrim and poetry.
At the age of ten, Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen began to study under numerous tutors including Khyi Rabjampa Lobzang Tendzin (skyi rab 'byams pa blo bzang bstan 'dzin, d.u.), Sakyil Gendun Gyeltsen (sa dkyil dge 'dun rgyal mtshan, d.u.), Domkam Rabjampa Tenpa Dargye (sdom skam rab 'byams pa bstan pa dar rgyas, d.u.), Changlung Rabjampa Lobzang Targye (sbyang lung rab 'byams pa blo bzang dar rgyas, d.u.), and Nyalung Rabjampa Gendun Ozer (nya lung rab 'byams pa dge 'dun 'od zer, d.u.). Starting at the age of twelve, for three years he received empowerments from Arol Lobzang Lungrik Gyatso and studied the previous Rongwo Drubchens’ writings with his instruction.
At the age of fifteen Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen visited his birthplace, Chubzang Monastery, and gave public lectures at the four great monasteries of northern Amdo, Kumbum (sku 'bum), Jakhyung (bya khyung), Gonlung, and Serkok (gser khog). In 1877 he gained empowerments of Ganden Lhagyama (dga ldan lha brgye ma) and Kālacakra from Shingza Lobzang Tenpai Wangchuk (shing bza bstan pa'i dbang phyug).
Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen received full ordination from Arol Lobzang Lungrik Gyatso at the age of twenty. In the following year, he visited Drakkar Tredzong (brag dkar sbrel rdzong) where he practiced meditation for a period of time, after which he visited Chubzang and offered silver and other precious substances for the new assembly hall.
At the age twenty-four he traveled to Beijing, the sacred mountain of Wutai Shan (ri bo rtse lnga, 清凉山), and Chengdu. Four years later, at the age of twenty-eight, he went to Lhasa, where he had audiences with the Thirteenth Dalai Lama, Tubten Gyatso (tA la'i bla ma 13 thub bstan rgya mtsho, 1876-1933), the Eighty-second Ganden Tripa, Trichen Yeshe Chopel (dga' ldan khri pa 82 ye shes chos 'phel, d.u.) and the Third Purchok, Tsultrim Jampa Gyatso (phur bu lcog 03 blo bzang tshul khrims byams pa rgya mtsho, 1825-1901). with numerous substances. He also visited Ganden Shartse and Jangtse Colleges. He made substantial offerings at the New Year Monlam ceremony (lha sa smon lam chen mo), and went on extensive pilgrimage to the monasteries in U and Tsang. In Tsang he also made a large tea offering at Tashilhunpo before returning to Lhasa. At Ganden he was given title of Ganden Achutu Erdiniminhan (dga ldan a chu thu aer ti ni min han) with accompanying stamp.
Back in Amdo, at Rongwo Monastery, at the age of thirty-two, he established an assembly hall named Puntsok Dukhang (phun tshog 'du khang), and gave teachings at Tso Gyakhar (gtsos rgya mkhar) and Lhamo monasteries. He continued expanding the monastery over the course of his life; he consecrated a new assembly hall named Tashikhyil at Rongwo Monastery for three days at the age of forty; at the age of fifty-four he consecrated a new hermitage behind the monastery.
He received teachings from the Eighth Kirti Lobzang Trinle Tenpa Gyatso (kirti 08 blo bzang 'phrin las bstan pa rgya mtsho, 1849-1905) and Dzongkar Ritronpa (rdzong kar ri khrod pa, d.u.).
At the age of thirty-six he gave novice monastic vows and empowerments to the Third Arol, Lobzang Lungrik Tenpai Gyeltsen (a rol 03 blo bzang lung rtogs bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan, 1888-1959), the reincarnation of his teacher, and, about fourteen years later, gave him complete ordination.
Lobzang Tenpai Gyeltsen passed way in 1915, the wood-rabbit year of the fifteenth sexagenary cycle, at the age of about fifty-five.
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