Zungchu Zi, a Geluk monastery located in Beijing, was said to be founded by the Second Changkya, Ngawang Lobzang Choden. It was initially named Padur Jin (pA dur jin), however, the Yongzhen Emperor (雍正, r. 1723-1735) later changed the name to Songzhu Si (嵩祝寺Tibetan: zung gru zi). Over one hundred monks from across the Tibetan and Mongolian cultural sphere are said to have participated in its consecration. There is some confusion about the history of this temple, as many sources give the date of its establishment as 1733, by the Yongzheng Emperor, on behalf of Changkya; it is likely that the temple was in fact established by the Third Changkya, Rolpai Dorje (lcang skya 03 rol pa'i rdo rje, 1717-1786), who spent his youth in Beijing.