The Treasury of Lives

Sera Je was founded by Lodro Rinchen Sengge, a disciple of Tsongkhapa, in the fifteenth century. It is one of three colleges of Sera Monastery, a major Geluk monastery in central Tibet. It is one of two philosophical colleges, though the two colleges, Sera Me and Je, consolidated their curricula and administration in the 1990s. Sera Je is the largest college of Sera and traditionally housed monks from eastern Tibet and Mongolia. It is famous for its debate courtyard, as well as a for its assembly hall, which contains an altar to Hayagrīva that is popular with pilgrims.


Akester, Matthew. 2016. Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo's Guide to Central Tibet. Chicago, IL: Serindia Publications, p. 117.

Cabezón, José Ignacio, and sPen-pa rDo-rje. 2019. Sera Monastery. Somerville: Wisdom Publications.

Gyurme Dorje. 2009. Tibet Handbook. Bath: Footprint, p. 137.


Sera Je

Abbots & Officers


1. First Abbot Lodro Rinchen Sengge -
2. Second Abbot Peljor Lhundrub 1467 - 1481
3. Third Abbot Pelden Lodro 1481 -
4. Fourth Abbot Jamyang Donyo Pelden -
5. Fifth Abbot Chokyi Gyeltsen 1511 -
6. Sixth Abbot shes rab seng+ge -
7. Seventh Abbot shes rab rgya mtsho -
8. Eighth Abbot dpal 'byor rgyal mtshan -
9. Ninth Abbot bde legs nyi ma -
10. Tenth Abbot yon tan rgya mtsho -
11. Eleventh Abbot nam mkha' rgyal mtshan -
12. Twelfth Abbot rin chen bshes gnyen -
13. Thirteenth Abbot dpal 'byor bsod nams lhun grub -
14. Fourteenth Abbot 'phrin las lhun grub -
15. Fifteenth Abbot Peljor Lhundrub 1605 -
16. Sixteenth Abbot bsam grub rin chen -
17. Seventeenth Abbot byams pa smon lam -
18. Eighteenth Abbot 'phrin las bsam grub -
19. Nineteenth Abbot bsod nams rgyal mtshan -
20. Twentieth Abbot 'jam dbyangs lhun grub -
21. Twenty-first Abbot Lobzang Tashi -
22. Twenty-second Abbot rgyal mtshan don grub -
23. Twenty-third Abbot ngag dbang rgya mtsho -
24. Twenty-fourth Abbot blo bzang nor bu -
25. Twenty-fifth Abbot blo bzang don grub -
26. Twenty-sixth Abbot blo bzang yar 'phel -
27. Twenty-seventh Abbot blo bzang nam mkha' -
28. Twenty-eighth Abbot blo bzang chos 'phel -
29. Twenty-ninth Abbot ngag dbang don grub -
30. Thirtieth Abbot blo bzang brtson 'grus -
31. Thirty-first Abbot blo bzang mkhas mchog -
32. Thirty-second Abbot byams pa smon lam -
33. Thirty-third Abbot rin chen skal bzang -
34. Thirty-fourth Abbot lha dbang rgya mtsho -
35. Thirty-fifth Abbot byams pa yon tan -
36. Thirty-sixth Abbot blo bzang 'jam dbyangs -
37. Thirty-seventh Abbot bzang po don grub -
38. Thirty-eighth Abbot skal bzang blo gros -
39. Thirty-ninth Abbot bsod nams grags pa -
40. Fortieth Abbot blo bzang mkhas mchog -
41. Forty-first Abbot ye shes zla grags -
42. Forty-second Abbot tshul khrims phun tshogs -
43. Forty-third Abbot blo bzang chos 'phel -
44. Forty-fourth Abbot skal ldan don grub -
45. Forty-fifth Abbot don grub rgyal mtshan -
46. Forty-sixth Abbot ye shes bzang po -
47. Forty-seventh Abbot bzod pa ye shes -
48. Forty-eighth Abbot blo bzang dge 'dun -
49. Forty-ninth Abbot thogs med bstan 'dzin -
50. Fiftieth Abbot byams pa bstan 'dzin -
51. Firty-first Abbot thub bstan phun tshogs -
52. Fifty-second Abbot blo bzang rnam rgyal -
53. Fifty-third Abbot byams pa grags pa -
54. Fifty-fourth Abbot mkhyen rab thar 'dod -
55. Fifty-fifth Abbot blo bzang grags pa -
56. Fifty-sixth Abbot byams pa tshogs gnyis -
57. Fifty-seventh Abbot ngag dbang phun tshogs -
58. Fifty-eighth Abbot blo bzang rnam rgyal -
59. Fifty-ninth Abbot thub bstan snying po -
60. Sixtieth Abbot byams pa rin chen -
61. Sixty-first Abbot lung rtogs rgya mtsho -
62. Sixty-second Abbot ngag dbang rgya mtsho -
63. Sixty-third Abbot blo bzang bstan dar -
64. Sixty-fourth Abbot thub bstan bsam gtan -
65. Sixty-fifth Abbot lhun grub thabs mkhas -
66. Sixty-sixth Abbot blo bzang dbang phyug 1954 - 1959
67. Sixty-seventh Abbot blo bzang don yod 1961 - 1964
68. Sixty-eighth Abbot don grub stobs rgyal 1965 - 1974
69. Sixty-ninth Abbot ngag dbang legs ldan 1975 -
70. Seventieth Abbot blo bzang thub bstan 1983 - 1987
71. Seventy-first Abbot blo bzang tshe ring 1986 -
72. Seventy-second Abbot byams pa theg mchog -
73. Seventy-third Abbot blo bzang don yod 1999 -
74. Seventy-fourth Abbot blo bzang dpal ldan 2005 -