Rigdzin Rapel Ling is a Nyingma monastery in Rebkong that was founded in 1727. It is associated with the Alak Gyelpo incarnation line.
Rigdzin Rapel Ling is a Nyingma monastery in Rebkong that was founded in 1727. It is associated with the Alak Gyelpo incarnation line.
Ye shes ʼod zer sgrol ma, & lce nag tshang nyi zla he ru ka. 2004. Reb kong sngags mang gi lo rgyus phyogs bsgrigs. (Par gzhi dang po, Vol. 1). Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 26-28.
There are 1 related biographies
The TBRC RID number refers to the unique ID assigned by the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center (TBRC.org) to each historical figure in their database of Tibetan literature.