Bakha is a Nyingma monastery in Powo. It is the seat of the Bakha Tulkus, a lineage which is said to begin with the infant born to Princess Wencheng Kongjo and Gar Tongsten.
Bakha is a Nyingma monastery in Powo. It is the seat of the Bakha Tulkus, a lineage which is said to begin with the infant born to Princess Wencheng Kongjo and Gar Tongsten.
1988. spo boʼi lo rgyus. lha sa: bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, pp. 125
Gyurme Dorje. 2004. Tibet Handbook. Bath: Footprint, p. 431.
There are 1 related biographies
The TBRC RID number refers to the unique ID assigned by the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center (TBRC.org) to each historical figure in their database of Tibetan literature.