Trewel Ude was a nunnary established in the tenth century by Lhai Metok, the daughter of Lha Lama Yeshe O. Nothing is known of it save a mention in the History of Ngari.
Trewel Ude was a nunnary established in the tenth century by Lhai Metok, the daughter of Lha Lama Yeshe O. Nothing is known of it save a mention in the History of Ngari.
Vitali, Roberto. 1996. Gu-ge Mkhan-chen Ngag-dbang-grags-pas mdzad paʼi Mngaʼ-ris rgyal rabs. India: Tho-liṅ dpal dpe med lhun gyis grub paʼi gtsug lag khaṅ lo 1000 ʼkhor baʼi rjes dran mdzad sgoʼi go sgrig tshogs chuṅ gis dpar skrun źus, pp. 274-275.
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