The Treasury of Lives

Ralung circa 1938

Ralung, located in Gyantse in Tsang, was founded in 1180 by Tsangpa Gyare. It was the principal seat of the Middle Drukpa Kagyu tradition in Tibet, and was controlled by the Gya clan until the family line died out in the seventeenth century.



Incarnation Lines

Abbots & Officers

Throne Holder

1. First Throne Holder Tsangpa Gyare Yeshe Dorje 1180 - 1211
2. Second Throne Holder Wonre Darma Sengge 1211? -
3. Third Throne Holder Zhonnu Sengge 1233? - 1266
4. Fourth Throne Holder nyi ma seng+ge 1266? - 1287
5. Fifth Throne Holder seng+ge rin chen 1287? - 1313
6. Sixth Throne Holder Sengge Gyelpo 1313? - 1326
7. Seventh Throne Holder kun dga' seng+ge 1326? - 1347?
8. Eighth Throne Holder Lodro Sengge 1347? - 1390
9. Ninth Throne Holder shes rab seng+ge 1390? - 1392?
10. Tenth Throne Holder Jamyang Yeshe Rinchen 1392? - 1413?
11. Eleventh Throne Holder Namkha Pelzang 1413? - 1425?
12. Twelfth Throne Holder Sherab Zangpo 1425? - 1438?
13. Thirteenth Throne Holder Kunga Peljor 1438? - 1476
14. Fourteenth Throne Holder ngag dbang chos rgyal 1476? - 1540
15. Fifteenth Throne Holder ngag gi dbang phyug 1540? - 1554?
16. Sixteenth Throne Holder mi pham chos rgyal 1554? - 1604?
17. Seventeenth Throne Holder bstan pa'i nyi ma 1604? - 1619?
18. Eighteenth Throne Holder Ngawang Namgyel 1619? -


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