A Geluk monastery founded by the Third Pakpa Lha Tongwa Donden as a branch of Chamdo Jampa Ling Monastery. He was assisted in its establishment by the Second Zhila Lha Sanggye Jungne.
A Geluk monastery founded by the Third Pakpa Lha Tongwa Donden as a branch of Chamdo Jampa Ling Monastery. He was assisted in its establishment by the Second Zhila Lha Sanggye Jungne.
Gyurme Dorje. 2004. Tibet Handbook. Bath: Footprint.
Sangs rgyas gya mtsho. 1989. dga' ldan chos 'byung baiḍūrya ser po. Zi ling: krung go bod kyi shes rig dpe skrun khang, p. 308.
There are 2 related biographies
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