The Treasury of Lives

Ariana Maki

Nyimalung, a Nyingma monastery in Bhutan, was established by Doring Tulku Jamyang Kunzang Lunrik Chokyi Nyima in the first half of the twentieth century. 


Pommaret, Francoise. 2014. Bhutan : Himalayan Mountains Kingdom. Hong Kong and New York: Odyssey Books.

Abbots & Officers


1. First Abbot bstan 'dzin bzang po 1934 - 1940
2. Second Abbot ngag dbang phrin las 1940 - 1943
3. Third Abbot ye shes pad+ma 1943 - 1956
4. Fourth Abbot rgyal mtshan 1956 - 1959
5. Fifth Abbot ye shes 1959 - 1961
6. Sixth Abbot bai ro sprul sku 1961 - 1978
7. Seventh Abbot kun dga' 1978 - 1982
8. Eighth Abbot nus ldan 1982 - 1985
9. Ninth Abbot o rgyan bstan 'dzin 1985 - 1990
10. Tenth Abbot Pema Nyinda Longyang 1990 - 1993
11. Eleventh Abbot Lama Pema Tsewang 1993 - 2009


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