This is the main Bonpo monastery and the seat of the Menri Trizin, the spiriual head of the Bonpos. Beginning in 1970, Lungtok Tenpai Nyima, the Thirty-Third Menri Trizin, buit the new Menri Monastery in Dolanji in northern India. Within a decade, it had become a flourishing monastery with over 300 monks students coming from central Tibet, Amdo, Kham, Ngari, Dolpo, Mongolia and the exile community in India. Menri Monastery. Menri, the original Bon monastery located in Namling county in central Tibet, was founded in 1404 or 1405 by Nyamme Sherab Gyeltsen. It was largely destroyed during the cultural revolution, and although some restoration has occured, the site still has extensive ruins and only a small cohort of monks.