A clan in Derge, Kham. The First Lingla, Sonam Jinpa was born to the Ling or Lingtsang family in Dzagyud Troshul (rdza rgyud khro shul) in Kham around the year 1767. The Ling clan is that of Ling Gesar Gyelpo, the mythical Tibetan hero who is said to have lived around the time after the fall of the Yarlung dynasty, seemingly in the 11th century. Bod kyi gdung rus zhib 'jug notes that the Ling clan split off from the ancestral Dong clan. The book also notes that the text The Red Ruby (pad ma rwa ga) locates Ling Gesar's birthplace, the land of Ling, in between the two rivers Drichu and Dzachu in eastern Tibet near Khongtsa (khongs tsha) Monastery in Denkhok, Derge.