The Treasury of Lives

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The Tantric College is one of four colleges of Kumbum Jampa Ling Monastery. It was built by Choje Lekpa Gyatso in 1649.


Gyurme Dorje. 2009. Tibet Handbook. Bath: Footprint, pp. 691-693.

Gruschke, Andreas. 2001. The Cultural Monuments of Tibet's Outer Provinces, Volume 1, the Qinghai Part of Amdo. Bangkok: White Lotus Press, pp. 21-26.

Ryavec, Karl E. 2015. A Historical Atlas of Tibet. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 123-125.

Abbots & Officers

Throne Holder

1. First Throne Holder legs pa rgya mtsho 1649 -
4. Fourth Throne Holder grags pa bkra shis -
5. Fifth Throne Holder shes rab bzang po -
6. Sixth Throne Holder blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan 1676 -
7. Seventh Throne Holder 'jam dbyangs dpal ldan 1738 -
8. Eighth Throne Holder Lobzang Dorje -
11. Eleventh Throne Holder ngag dbang blo bzang 1695 -
12. Twelfth Throne Holder Drakpa Gyatso -
16. Sixteenth Throne Holder ngag dbang bstan pa 1779 -
17. Seventeenth Throne Holder shes rab chos 'byor 1722 -
20. Twentieth Throne Holder blo bzang bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan -
22. Twenty-second Throne Holder Yeshe Kelzang 1748 -
26. Twenty-sixth Throne Holder Drakpa Gyeltsen -
27. Twenty-seventh Throne Holder blo gros dar rgyas 1725 -
28. Twenty-eighth Throne Holder ngag dbang tshul khrims dar rgyas 1767 -
31. Thirty-first Throne Holder dkon mchog rnam rgyal 1787 -
32. Thirty-second Throne Holder tshul khrims bstan pa'i nyi ma 1793 -
34. Thirty-fourth Throne Holder bsod nams bstan 'dzin 1801 -
35. Thirty-fifth Throne Holder ngag dbang chos kyi nyi ma 1803 -
36. Thirty-sixth Throne Holder Cho Tenzin Gyatso 1806 -
39. Thirty-ninth Throne Holder skal bzang bkra shis rgya mtsho 1813 -
40. Fortieth Throne Holder ye shes thub bstan rgya mtsho 1816 -
41. Forty-first Throne Holder blo bzang bstan pa'i nyi ma 1819 -
42. Forty-second Throne Holder blo bzang bkra shis nyi ma 1820 -
44. Forty-fourth Throne Holder bskal bzang bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho 1827 -
45. Forty-fifth Throne Holder skal bzang dar rgyas rgya mtsho 1830 -
46. Forty-sixth Throne Holder bsod nams bstan pa'i nyi ma 1834 -
47. Forty-seventh Throne Holder dkon mchog bstan 'dzin rgya mtsho 1837 -
48. Forty-eighth Throne Holder bshad sgrub dge legs rab rgyas 1840 -
49. Forty-ninth Throne Holder 'jam dbyangs bstan 'dzin nyi ma 1843 -
50. Fiftieth Throne Holder blo bzang dge legs rgyal mtshan 1844 -
51. Fifty-first Throne Holder bshad sgrub bstan 'dzin rnam rgyal 1851 -
53. Fifty-third Throne Holder ye shes mkhas grub nyi ma 1855 -
54. Fifty-fourth Throne Holder bstan 'dzin mchog ldan tshul khrims rgya mtsho 1859 -
55. Fifty-fifth Throne Holder lung rigs nor bu rgya mtsho 1863 -
56. Fifty-sixth Throne Holder blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho 1866 -
57. Fifty-seventh Throne Holder ngag dbang 'jam dpal bstan pa'i nyi ma 1867 -
58. Fifty-eighth Throne Holder ye shes bshad sgrub nyi ma 1870 -
59. Fifty-ninth Throne Holder tshul khrims bstan pa'i rgyal mtshan 1872 -
61. Sixty-first Throne Holder ngag dbang mkhas grub nyi ma -
62. Sixty-second Throne Holder ngag dbang bshad sgrub dar rgyas -
64. Sixty-fourth Throne Holder skal bzang tshul khrims bstan pa'i nyi ma 1883 -
65. Sixty-fifth Throne Holder Lobzang Jangchub Tenpei Dronme 1884 -
66. Sixty-sixth Throne Holder ye shes bstan 'dzin nyi ma 1885 -
67. Sixty-seventh Throne Holder blo bzang sangs rgyas rgya mtsho 1888 -
68. Sixty-eighth Throne Holder dge 'dun byang chub bstan pa'i nyi ma 1890 -
70. Seventieth Throne Holder sbyin pa don grub rgya mtsho 1893 -
71. Seventy-first Throne Holder dge 'dun bstan pa rgya mtsho 1895 -
72. Seventy-second Throne Holder blo bzang tshul khrims dpal 'byor 1897 -
73. Seventy-third Throne Holder bsod nams dar rgyas rgya mtsho 1898 -
74. Seventy-fourth Throne Holder ngag dbang blo bzang tshul khrims phun tshogs 1900 -
75. Seventy-fifth Throne Holder blo bzang dge legs rgyal mtshan 1902 -