The Treasury of Lives

Jose Cabezon

Jakhyung is a major Geluk monastery in Bayan Khar in Amdo. It was established in 1349 by Choje Dondrub Rinchen, the first teacher of Tsongkhapa, on the site of an institution established by the Second Karmapa, Karma Pakshi in the twelfth century. In 1363, it was here to Jakhyung that Choje brought the seven-year-old Tsongkhapa and gave him his novice vows. Along with Serkhok, Chubzang and Gonlung, Jakhyung was considered one of the 'four great monasteries of the north,' meaning the oldest and most important Geluk institutions of Amdo. 



Gyurme Dorje. 2009. Tibet Handbook. Bath: Footprint, pp. 711-712.

Incarnation Lines

Abbots & Officers


1. First Abbot Dondrub Rinchen -
2. Second Abbot gzhon nu byang chub 'od zer -
7. Seventh Abbot thar pa bzang po -
8. Eighth Abbot blo gros rgya mtsho 1583 - 1619
13. Thirteenth Abbot ngag dbang bsod nams 1652 -
16. Sixteenth Abbot don yod rgyal mtshan -
20. Twentieth Abbot bsod nams rin chen -
23. Twenty-third Abbot grags pa bkra shis 1675 -
24. Twenty-fourth Abbot ngag dbang tshul khrims -
26. Twenty-sixth Abbot blo bzang bsam grub 1696 -
27. Twenty-seventh Abbot ngag dbang blo bzang 1709 -
28. Twenty-eighth Abbot blo bzang bkra shis 1712 - 1713
32. Thirty-second Abbot ngag dbang chos grags 1721 -
33. Thirty-third Abbot ngag dbang bstan pa -
35. Thirty-fifth Abbot blo bzang rab brtan 1732 -
36. Thirty-sixth Abbot ngag dbang don grub -
37. Thirty-seventh Abbot ngag dbang mkhas grub rgya mtsho 1748 -
38. Thirty-eighth Abbot blo bzang rgyal mtshan 1760 -
39. Thirty-ninth Abbot ngag dbang thub bstan dbang phyug 1773 -
40. Fortieth Abbot blo bzang chos grags 1781 -
41. Forty-first Abbot ngag dbang bstan 'phel 1784 -
42. Forty-second Abbot Lobzang Chokyi Nyima 1787 -
43. Forty-third Abbot Konchok Jigme Wangpo -
44. Forty-fourth Abbot ngag dbang dge legs -
46. Forty-sixth Abbot ngag dbang tshul khrims dar rgyas 1797 -
47. Forty-seventh Abbot dge 'dun chos 'phel -
49. Forty-ninth Abbot dbyangs can dga' ba'i blo gros 1803 -
50. Fiftieth Abbot ngag dbang bsod nams -
51. Fifty-first Abbot blo bzang dbang phyug rgya mtsho 1805 -
52. Fifty-second Abbot grags pa rgyal mtshan 1809 -
55. Fifty-fifth Abbot ngag dbang bstan 'dzin 1815 -
56. Fifty-sixth Abbot blo bzang nor bu 1819 -
58. Fifty-eighth Abbot ngag dbang snyan grags 1824 - 1832
59. Fifty-ninth Abbot 'jam dbyangs rgyal mtshan 1832 -
60. Sixtieth Abbot blo bzang thub bstan rab rgyas 1833 -
64. Sixty-fourthg Abbot skal bzang legs bshad 1846 -
65. Sixty-fifth Abbot Ngawang Shedrub Tenpai Nyima 1849 -
66. Sixty-sixth Abbot skal bzang nor bu 1850 - 1859
68. Sixty-eighth Abbot 'jam dbyangs bstan 'dzin nyi ma -
78. Seventy-eighth Abbot blo bzang rab rgyas 1879 -
79. Seventy-ninth Abbot blo bzang tshul khrims rgya mtsho 1881 -
81. Eighty-first Abbot blo bzang thub bstan bshad sgrub chos kyi nyi ma 1882 -
82. Eighty-second Abbot ngag dbang sbyin pa 1885 -
91. Ninety-first Abbot dge 'dun chos 'byor rgya mtsho -
94. Ninety-fourth Abbot dge 'dun bstan pa yar 'phel 1908 -
104. One-hundred and fourth Abbot snyan grags rgya mtsho 1925 -
107. One-hundred and seventh Abbot dge 'dun lung rtogs rab rgyas 1930 - 1932
112. One-hundred and twelfth Abbot dge 'dun thub bstan rab rgyas 1938 -


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