The Treasury of Lives

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The Desi, or Regent, was ostensibly responsible for the operation of the Ganden Podrang government while the Dalai Lama was in infancy. The term Depa (sde pa) is also used to refer to Regents of the Ganden Podrang.

Abbots & Officers


Regent nas ma jin 1242 - 1242
Regent he min hri 1249 - 1251
Regent Sonam Chopel 1643 -
Regent Depa Trinle Gyatso 1660 - 1668
Regent Ngawang Rinchen 1704 - 1706
Regent pho lha nas 'gyur med rnam rgyal 1747 -
Regent Ngawang Lobzang Tubten Jigme Gyatso 1811 -
Regent Ngawang Jampel Tsultrim Gyatso 1820? -
Regent Ngawang Yeshe Tsultrim Gyeltsen 1855 -
Regent Tubten Jampel Yeshe Tenpai Gyeltsen 1934 - 1941


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