Chepa Darge Gon, a Geluk monastery located in Amdo, was the site of a revolt against the Qing Dynasty in the nineteenth century. The Sixteenth Chone King, Rinchen Tendzin Trinle Dorje, who was loyal to the Qing, supressed the revolt.
Chepa Darge Gon, a Geluk monastery located in Amdo, was the site of a revolt against the Qing Dynasty in the nineteenth century. The Sixteenth Chone King, Rinchen Tendzin Trinle Dorje, who was loyal to the Qing, supressed the revolt.
jigs med. 2009. Mdo smad lo rgyus chen mo, vol 5. Dharamsala Kangra HP India: The Library Of Tibetan Works & Archives, pp. 521-522.
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