Chakri Nyidrak, also known as Sindzong Wosel Drubde, is a Nyingma monastery in Kham that was founded in 1703 by Terchen Rigzin Nyima Drakpa, the First Chakri Nyidrak. It is the seat of the Nyitrul or Chakri Nyidrak line.
Chakri Nyidrak, also known as Sindzong Wosel Drubde, is a Nyingma monastery in Kham that was founded in 1703 by Terchen Rigzin Nyima Drakpa, the First Chakri Nyidrak. It is the seat of the Nyitrul or Chakri Nyidrak line.
ri dbang bstan 'dzin. 2002. bod ljongs nags shod 'bri ru'i lo rgyus rab rim sA la'i ljon shing. Lha sa: bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, p. 264, 418
There are 8 related biographies
The TBRC RID number refers to the unique ID assigned by the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center (TBRC.org) to each historical figure in their database of Tibetan literature.