The Arik clan, known also as Sokwo Arik, is a large, traditionally nomadic group of Tibetan-speaking Mongols native to Amdo's Mount Amnye Machen, eastern Yarmotang and Drakar Treldzong, areas that are part of present-day Qinghai. In the 16th century, leaders of the Arik clan are said to have invited the Third Dalai Lama Sonam Gyatso to spread Buddhism in the area.
According to The Treasure of the Ancestral Clans of Tibet, based on the Golok Rudzod, the ancestral Mu clan is also known by different names, such as dmu tsha sga, thang le sga, rmu, dmu and sga. They were said to hold the three vast plains of Kham Yarmotang, the Jang Karmotang and Tsongkha Lakyitang of Amdo. The Ga includes nine separate sub-clans including the Arik: Adro/ sga a gro, Arik/ sga arik, Adruk/ sga a ‘brug, Atrom/a khrom and Ashing/ sga shing, established by the nine separate children of dmu tsha sga.