The Treasury of Lives

Evgenia Yedutova

Adzom Gar is a Nyingma monastery in the Tromtar region of Kham that was founded by the First Adzom Drukpa, Drondul Pawo Dorje in 1842. A branch of Katok Monastery, it is the seat of the Adzom Drukpa incarnation line.


Gyurme Dorje. 2004. Tibet Handbook. Bath: Footprint, p. 498.

1995. Dkar mdzes khul gyi dgon sde so soʼi lo rgyus gsal bar bshad pa, vol. 1. Reb gong pa ʼjigs med bsam grub, ed. Pe cin: Krung goʼi bod kyi shes rig dpe skrun khang, pp. 140-147.

Incarnation Lines


There are 7 related biographies