The Treasury of Lives

The Drubgyud Tulku line is a Yelpa Kagyu incarnation based at Tana monastery in Nangchen, Kham.



The First Drubgyud Tulku was a sixteenth-century master in the Yelpa Kagyu lineage based at Tana Monastery. He was a student of the Eighth Karmapa.

The Third Drubgyud Tulku was a seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Yelpa Kagyu lama based at Tana Monastery. He was a student of the Tenth Karmapa and the Sixth Tai Situ.

The Fourth Drubgyud Tulku was an eighteenth-century Yelpa Kagyu lama based at Tana Monastery. He was a student of the Eighth Tai Situ, the Thirteenth Karmapa, and the Seventh Tsurpu Gyeltsab.

The Fifth Drubgyud Tulku was a nineteenth-century Yelpa Kagyu lama based at Tana Monastery. He was a student of the Fourteenth Karmapa and the Ninth Tai Situ.

The Sixth Drubgyud Tulku, Karma Jangchub Gyelpo was a nineteenth-century Yelpa Kagyu lama based at Tana Monastery. He was a student of Fifteenth Karmapa, the Eleventh Tai Situ, and Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro.

The Seventh Drubgyud Tulku was a twentieth-century Yelpa Kagyu lama. He was identified by the Sixteenth Karmapa but was unable to complete his training and died during the Cultural Revolution.