The Treasury of Lives

Stéphane Arguillère is professor of Tibetan language and civilisation at the National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilisations (INALCO) in Paris, France.

Published July 2018


Arguillère, Stéphane. 2018. "Histoire des manuels de pratique du dGongs pa zang thal." Revue d’Études Tibétaines, no 43, CNRS (CRCAO), Paris, p. 196-255.

Boord, Martin J. 2013. Gathering the Elements: Vajrakīla Texts of the Northern Treasures Tradition. Berlin: Wandel Verlag.

Chimed Rigdzin Lama. 2013. Collected Works of C. R. Lama. James Low, editor. Simply Being.

Nus ldan rdo rje. 2014 (1848?). Gsang sngags bstan pa la dga' ba'i nus ldan rdo rje 'gro phan gling pa gro lod rtsal gyi gsang ba'i rnam thar dag snang rab gsal. In Snga 'gyur rnying ma'i gter gsar chos mzod chen mo, vol. 6, pp. 364-652. Khordong Monastery.

Turpeinen, Katarina. 2015. Vision of Samantabhadra: The Dzokchen anthology of Rindzin Godem. Doctoral dissertation, University of Virginia.

Valentine, Jay Holt. 2013. The Lords of the Northern Treasures: The Development of the Tibetan Institution of Rule by Successive Incarnations. Doctoral dissertation, University of Virginia.

Ye shes don rtogs. 2014 (2011). Gter chen nus ldan rdo rje 'gro phan gling pa gro lod rtal gyi rnam thar. In Snga 'gyur rnying ma'i gter gsar chos mzod chen mo, vol. 1, pp. 1-38. Khordong Monastery.

See also Snga' 'gyur byang gter chos skor phyogs sgrigs, vol. 62, pp. 725-756. TBRC W2PD17457.