The Treasury of Lives

Tenzin Dickie is a writer and translator. Formerly an editor at The Treasury of Lives, she is currently communications coordinator at the Buddhist Digital Resource Center.

Published October 2016

Updated October 2020


Goldstein, Melvyn. 1991. A History of Modern Tibet, 1913-1951: The Demise of the Lamaist State. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Petech, Luciano. 1973. Aristocracy and Government in Tibet, 1728-1959. Rome: Istituto Italiano Per Il Medio Ed Estremo Oriente Press, pp. 136-137.

Taring, Rinchen Dolma. 1986. Daughter of Tibet: The Autobiography of Rinchen Dolma Taring. London: Wisdom Publications, pp.15-18, 30-41.

Tsarong, Dundul Namgyal. 2000. In the Service of His Country: The Biography of Dasang Damdul Tsarong, Commander General of Tibet. Ithaca: Snow Lion Publications. pp 23, 38-39.

Yangdzom, Tsering. 2006. The Aristocratic Families in Tibetan History: 1900-1951. Beijing: China Intercontinental Press.

Tshe ring, phun tshogs. 2008. Bod kyi nye rabs lo rgyus tam+bu ra'i sgra dbyangs. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, pp. 50, 99, 266. TBRC W1KG6057.